🇬 Regional Indicator Symbol Letter G

🇬- 🇬 Regional Indicator Symbol Letter G is the first letter of following flags:

🇬🇦 Flag: Gabon


🇬🇧 Flag: United Kingdom


🇬🇩 Flag: Grenada


🇬🇪 Flag: Georgia


🇬🇫 Flag: French Guiana


🇬🇬 Flag: Guernsey


🇬🇭 Flag: Ghana


🇬🇮 Flag: Gibraltar


🇬🇱 Flag: Greenland


🇬🇲 Flag: Gambia


🇬🇳 Flag: Guinea


🇬🇵 Flag: Guadeloupe


🇬🇶 Flag: Equatorial Guinea


🇬🇷 Flag: Greece


🇬🇸 Flag: South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands


🇬🇹 Flag: Guatemala


🇬🇺 Flag: Guam


🇬🇼 Flag: Guinea-Bissau


🇬🇾 Flag: Guyana

🇬 Regional Indicator Symbol Letter G is the second letter of following flags:

🇦🇬 Flag: Antigua & Barbuda


🇧🇬 Flag: Bulgaria


🇨🇬 Flag: Congo - Brazzaville


🇩🇬 Flag: Diego Garcia


🇪🇬 Flag: Egypt


🇰🇬 Flag: Kyrgyzstan


🇲🇬 Flag: Madagascar


🇳🇬 Flag: Nigeria


🇵🇬 Flag: Papua New Guinea


🇸🇬 Flag: Singapore


🇹🇬 Flag: Togo


🇺🇬 Flag: Uganda


🇻🇬 Flag: British Virgin Islands

In connection with flags use Earthlings 🇬 Regional Indicator Symbol Letter G before (as first) or after (as second) an other Regional Indicator Symbol letter.


Regional Indicator Symbol Letter G

Copy and paste Regional Indicator Symbol Letter G


Unicode:  🇬


The proof of supported Flags on

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on Firefox Browser

🇦 Regional Indicator Symbol Letter A


🇧 Regional Indicator Symbol Letter B


🇨 Regional Indicator Symbol Letter C


🇩 Regional Indicator Symbol Letter D


🇪 Regional Indicator Symbol Letter E


🇫 Regional Indicator Symbol Letter F


🇭 Regional Indicator Symbol Letter H


🇮 Regional Indicator Symbol Letter I


🇯 Regional Indicator Symbol Letter J


🇰 Regional Indicator Symbol Letter K


🇱 Regional Indicator Symbol Letter L


🇲 Regional Indicator Symbol Letter M

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