➑ Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Eight

➑- Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Eight, eighth, number 8, number eight
A 😝 Nasty Emoji decided to make the first 🍕 Pizza in the shape of the number ➑. That Emoji invited several local journalists. He wanted to get a free advertising for his product. Many Emojis were very 😛 after the eating of the number ➑ pizza.
At that time heard the uppermost tax collector about the special pizza in the shape of the number ➑. He decided to come with his workers to try it. When the 😝 Nasty Emoji found out this, he decided to make something special in his pizza. Later had the uppermost tax collector at least 20 pieces of 💩 to bring into the 🚽 Toilet.
In communication use Emojis this symbol for the number eight.


Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Eight

Copy and paste Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Eight

Unicode:  ➑


Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit One


Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Two


Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Three


Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Four


Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Five


Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Six


Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Seven


Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Nine


Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Ten

More Number Emojis

💯 Number

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