❚ Heavy Vertical Bar

❚- Heavy Vertical Bar, vertical line, vertical slash, verti-bar, vbar, bar, stick, glidus, obelisk, pipe
One day the professor Setag Lib saw that it was the time to send Emojis the meaning of ❚ Heavy Vertical Bar.
He started to write a command. After 45 light years came something into the brain of an Emoji. In the beginning he felt 😵 Dizzy. After 54 seconds this Emoji got the 💡 idea to use the ❚ Heavy Vertical Bar as a command interpreter.
Later Emojis celebrated in the high-tech city Emoji App the new function of the ❚ Heavy Vertical Bar.
At that time the uppermost tax collector visited them and asked those Emojis when they pay the taxes. He threatened with an ❗ Exclamation Mark. After the victory against the income tax held several Emojis posters with ❚ Heavy Vertical Bar.
Heart Emoji used that sign in his documents before every healthy joke.
In communication use Emojis this symbol for heavy vertical bar.


Heavy Vertical Bar

Copy and paste Heavy Vertical Bar

Unicode:  ❚


Heavy Greek Cross


Question Mark


White Question Mark


White Exclamation Mark


Exclamation Mark


Light Vertical Bar


Medium Vertical Bar


Quotation Mark


Heavy Single Comma Quotation Mark Ornament

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Grammar and Mathematical

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