❙ Medium Vertical Bar

❙- Medium Vertical Bar, vertical line, obelisk, bar
The first elected dictator used the ❙ Medium Vertical Bar to separate a sentence because he wanted that Emojis could see it faster. The most hated Emoji noticed that after the usage of the ❙ Medium Vertical Bar in the tax return he had to increase taxes. During the demonstration against the income taxes many Emojis used the ❙ Medium Vertical Bar in their posters. The assistant of the tax collector reacted 😜 when he saw how many ❙ Medium Vertical Bars were during the protest.
In communication use Emojis this symbol for medium vertical bar.


Medium Vertical Bar

Copy and paste Medium Vertical Bar

Unicode:  ❙


Heavy Greek Cross


Question Mark


White Question Mark


White Exclamation Mark


Exclamation Mark


Light Vertical Bar


Heavy Vertical Bar


Quotation Mark


Heavy Single Comma Quotation Mark Ornament

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