☆ Star Emoji

☆- Star Emoji,  the most famous Star of Emoji in the history
Star Emoji was born 187,610 days ago as first shining and star-shaped Emoji in his family. Astronomers in Saturn noticed the ☆ Star Emoji as a luminous, shining and star-shaped. They used their telescopes.
They thought that ☆ Star Emoji was a dwarf planet.
In communication use Emojis this symbol for their most famous Star.


White Star Emoji

Copy and paste Star Emoji

Unicode:  ☆


🌟 Glowing Star


🌠 Shooting Star


💫 Vertigo


🔯 Dotted Six-Pointed Star


Black Star










Star Pentagon


Five-Pointed Star


Black Four-Pointed Star


White Four-Pointed Star

More Star Emojis

🌟 Stars

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