👋🏻 Waving Hand: Light Skin Tone

👋🏻- Waving Hand, Psychologists: Let go of the past
While the teacher explained the five fingers, suddenly appeared on the blackboard a Light Skin Tone 👋🏻 Waving Hand that started to 😂.
The students focused on it. The teacher noticed that all Emojis looked distracted. After 424 seconds the Light Skin Tone 👋🏻 Waving Hand began to speak. It said: Remember that you will regret it if you miss your bad temper on your fellow. The teacher praised 👋🏻 Waving Hand.
At that second an Emoji who worked with municipality came to 🏫 School and told that the first Horror Clown commanded to evacuate all residents from Emoji 2 because of the catastrophic accident with bad consequences. All students had to leave the building.
In communication use Emojis this symbol to let go of the past.


Waving Hand: Light Skin Tone

Copy and paste Waving Hand: Light Skin Tone


Unicode:  👋🏻


For comparison how different 👋🏻 Waving Hand: Light Skin Tone looks on:

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Waving Hand: Light Skin Tone on Apple iOS


Waving Hand: Light Skin Tone on Google Android


Waving Hand: Light Skin Tone on Facebook


Waving Hand: Light Skin Tone on Microsoft Windows


Waving Hand: Light Skin Tone on Twitter Twemoji


Waving Hand: Light Skin Tone on JoyPixels


Waving Hand: Light Skin Tone on Samsung



👋 Hand


👋🏼 Waving Hand: Medium-Light Skin Tone


👋🏽 Waving Hand: Medium Skin Tone


👋🏾 Waving Hand: Medium-Dark Skin Tone


👋🏿 Waving Hand: Dark Skin Tone

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