_| ̄|○Given Up

On this site are given up Emoticons with images.


Given Up with underscore, vertical bar, fullwidth macron, vertical bar and white circle

Given Up with underscore, vertical bar, fullwidth macron, vertical bar and white circle Emoticon

Copy and paste

_| ̄|○


Given Up with capital S legs, capital T torso and capital O head on the ground

Given Up with capital S legs, capital T torso and capital O head on the ground Emoticon

Copy and paste



Given Up with capital O head on the ground, capital T torso and capital Z legs

Given Up with capital O head on the ground, capital T torso and capital Z legs Emoticon

Copy and paste



Given Up with capital O head on the ground, capital T torso and capital L legs

Given Up with capital O head on the ground, capital T torso and capital L legs Emoticon

Copy and paste


Following Emojis can be used for given up:

🤷 Person Shrugging


More Human Emojis

👫 Human


Other 2channel Emoticons


(`・ω・´) Feel Perky


(`-´)> Salute


(´;ω;`) Terribly Sad


ヽ(´ー`)ノ Peace of Mind


(`Д´)ノ Be Irritable


(#゚Д゚) Angry


(´Д`) Yelling


(゚Д゚) Loudmouthed


┐('~`;)┌ Don't Know The Answer


(´∀`) Carefree


(´_ゝ`) Indifferent


Σ(゜д゜;) Shocked 2Channel Emoticon


( ゚ヮ゚) Upbeat


⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃ Bu-n


(((( ;゚Д゚))) Spook


Σ(゚Д゚) Huge Surprise


( ´∀`)σ)∀`) Jog Someone's Cheek


( ゚д゚) Amazed 2Channel Emoticon


(´ー`)y-~~ Covid-19


( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) Toast "Cheers"


m9(・∀・) Flash of Intuition


ヽ(´ー`)人(´∇`)人(`Д´) ノ Friendly


('A`) Lonely


(´,_ゝ`) Depressed


(´-`).。oO(...) Thinking


(゚Д゚;≡;゚Д゚) Impatience


(´д)ヒソ(´Д`)ヒソ(Д`) Whispers


(・∀・)つ⑩ Carrying Money


⊂(゚Д゚⊂⌒`つ≡≡≡(´⌒;;;≡≡≡Sliding on Belly


(゚д゚) Unforeseen


(゚⊿゚) I Don't Need It


щ(゚Д゚щ)(屮゚Д゚)屮 Come On


(・∀・) Mocking, "Good"


(・A・)That's Bad


(゚∀゚) Discharged In Brain


(つД`) Sad Face Emoticon


エェェ(´д`)ェェエ Not Convincing


( ̄ー ̄) Simper, Snorlax


[゚д゚] Deflagged


♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗(・o・) ┓ Dancing To The Music


d(*⌒▽⌒*)b Happy Expression


_| ̄|○Given Up


╬ಠ益ಠ) Extreme Distaste


(≧ロ≦) Shouting


(ΘεΘ;) Pretending not to notice, Asleep because of Boredom


\|  ̄ヘ ̄|/_______θ☆( *o*)/ Kick




ε=ε=ε=┌(;*´Д`)ノ Running


ヽ(´▽`)/ Happy 2Channel Emoticon


(l'o'l) Shocked 2Channel Emoticon


ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ Really Angry


(☞゚ヮ゚)☞Do It


☜(⌒▽⌒)☞Angel 2Channel Emoticon


キタ━━━(゜∀゜)━━━!!!!! It's Here


(*´Д`)ハァハァ Haa Haa


(´Д`)ノ(´・ω・`)ナデナデ Patting


(*゚ノO゚)<オオオオォォォォォォォーーーーーイ! Calling Out, "Ooooi!"


(゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽ ノ \ / \/ \ Evil Laugh


(・∀・)ヾ(- -;)コラコラ Blaming "Now Now"


お(^o^)や(^O^)す(^。^)みぃ(^-^)ノ゙ Good Night


<`∀´> Stereotypical Korean character (Nidā)


[(★)] <丶´Д`> Stereotypical North Korean character (Kigā)


∧_∧ ( ;´Д`) Stereotypical Japanese character (Monā)


∧∧ / 中\ (  `ハ´) Stereotypical Chinese character (Sinā)


∧∧ / 台\ ( ^∀^) Stereotypical Taiwanese character (Wanā)


∧∧ / 越 \ ( ・∀・ ) Stereotypical Vietnamese character (Venā)


γ~三ヽ (三彡0ミ) ( ´∀`) Stereotypical Indian Character (Monastē)


| ̄ ̄| _☆☆☆_ ( ´_⊃`) Stereotypical American character (Samū)


┏━┓ ━━━━━━ ミΘc_Θ-ミ Stereotypical Jewish character (Yudā)


__ │〓.│ ━━━━━ ミ ´_>`) Stereotypical English character (Jakū)


____ (〓__> ξ ・_>・) Stereotypical French character (Torirī)


_、,_ ミ  _⊃) Stereotypical German character (Gerumandamu)


≡≡彡 彡 ´_)` ) Stereotypical Austrian character (Osutō)


,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ミ,,,☆;;;;;,ミ (`c_ ´ ) Stereotypical Russian character (Rosukī)


_γ⌒ヽ_ lXXXXXXXXl ( ´m`) Stereotypical Mexican character (Amīgo)


_ <(o0o)> (>ミ - ミ )> Stereotypical Persian character (jujø) 

(__) Kowtow-Respect





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