🫷🏿 Leftwards Pushing Hand: Dark Skin Tone

🫷🏿- Leftwards Pushing Hand, other Unicode meanings: high five, leftward, leftwards, pushing hand, push, refuse, stop, wait, in the city of Poop Emoji: Rejection of job because of discrimination
Residents of the city of Poop Emoji use the 🫷🏿 Leftwards Pushing Hand: Dark Skin Tone every Thursday at 🕜 One-Thirty in their 📱 Mobile Phone.
In communication use (employers) Emojis this symbol as sign of rejection of a candidate.

🫷🏿 Leftwards Pushing Hand: Dark Skin Tone is one of new Emojis in 2023.


Leftwards Pushing Hand: Dark Skin Tone

Copy and paste Leftwards Pushing Hand: Dark Skin Tone


Unicode:  🫷🏿


For comparison how different 🫷🏿 Leftwards Pushing Hand: Dark Skin Tone looks on:

Apple iOS, Google Android, Facebook, Microsoft Windows,  Twitter, JoyPixels, Samsung


Leftwards Pushing Hand: Dark Skin Tone on Apple iOS


Leftwards Pushing Hand: Dark Skin Tone on Google Android


Leftwards Pushing Hand: Dark Skin Tone on Facebook


Leftwards Pushing Hand: Dark Skin Tone on Microsoft Windows


Leftwards Pushing Hand: Dark Skin Tone on Twitter Twemoji


Leftwards Pushing Hand: Dark Skin Tone on JoyPixels


Leftwards Pushing Hand: Dark Skin Tone on Samsung


🫷 Leftwards Pushing Hand


🫷🏻 Leftwards Pushing Hand: Light Skin Tone


🫷🏼 Leftwards Pushing Hand: Medium-Light Skin Tone


🫷🏽 Leftwards Pushing Hand: Medium Skin Tone


🫷🏾 Leftwards Pushing Hand: Medium-Dark Skin Tone


🫨 Shaking Face


🩷 Pink Heart


🩵 Light Blue Heart


🩶 Grey Heart


🫸 Rightwards Pushing Hand


🫎 Moose


🫏 Donkey


🪽 Wing


🐦‍⬛ Black Bird


🪿 Goose


🪼 Jellyfish


🪻 Hyacinth


🫚 Ginger Root


🫛 Pea Pod


🪭 Folding Hand Fan


🪮 Hair Pick


🪇 Maracas


🪈 Flute


🪯 Khanda (Sikh Symbol)


🛜 Wireless

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