0 Digit Zero

0- Digit Zero, Archaeologists: synonym of historical 🦲 Bald
The employer of 🦲 Bald Emoji who worked in the garage of the city centre in Heart Emoji marked him with 0 Digit Zero in his 📛 Name Badge. The reason was the obligation to pay unemployment insurance for every employee. After the retirement five Emojis went to Heart Emoji and helped archaeologists with excavations of historic objects. They found the list of employees in an 🏺 Amphora. The most striking mention was with 0 Digit Zero about 🦲 Bald Emoji.
In communication use Emojis this symbol in connection with 0️⃣ Keycap: 0.


Digit Zero

Copy and paste Digit Zero


Unicode:  0


Keycap: Digit Zero on:

Apple iOS, Google Android, Facebook, Microsoft Windows, Twitter, JoyPixels, Samsung, Google GMail, Softbank, KDDI, DCM


Keycap:  Digit Zero on Apple iOS


Keycap:  Digit Zero on Google Android


Keycap:  Digit Zero on Facebook


Keycap:  Digit Zero on Microsoft Windows


Keycap:  Digit Zero on Twitter Twemoji


Keycap:  Digit Zero on JoyPixels


Keycap:  Digit Zero on Samsung

Google GMail


Keycap:  Digit Zero on Google GMail



Keycap:  Digit Zero on Softbank



Keycap:  Digit Zero KDDI



Keycap:  Digit Zero DCM


# Number Sign


* Asterisk (Symbol)


   Combining Enclosing Keycap


1 Digit One


2 Digit Two


3 Digit Three


4 Digit Four


5 Digit Five


6 Digit Six


7 Digit Seven


8 Digit Eight


9 Digit Nine

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