8 Digit Eight

8- Digit Eight
One afternoon, several Emojis met in the forest behind eucalyptus in the city of Crying Laughing Emoji. There they found a ⚑ Black Flag with 8 Digit Eight on it. An Emoji took it. After 70 seconds the famous Non Sense appeared before their 👀 Eyes.
He told them to come with him to the place where was a big 8 Digit Eight. There Emojis and the historical 👽 Alien disappeared after 424 seconds.
They landed in the ☁ Clouds of Sad Emoji. Non Sense wanted that they read the testament of the saddest Emoji.
Those Emojis found something about the future of their country and the coming popularity of every Emoji on planet ♁ Earth.
At 🕗 Eight O’clock they returned to the forest and 8 Digit Eight disappeared.
In communication use Emojis this symbol in connection with 8️⃣ Keycap: 8.


Digit Eight

Copy and paste Digit Eight


Unicode:  8


Keycap: Digit Eight on:

Apple iOS, Google Android, Facebook, Microsoft Windows, Twitter, JoyPixels, Samsung, Google GMail, Softbank, KDDI, DCM


Keycap: Digit Eight on Apple iOS


Keycap: Digit Eight on Google Android


Keycap: Digit Eight on Facebook


Keycap: Digit Eight on Microsoft Windows


Keycap: Digit Eight on Twitter Twemoji


Keycap: Digit Eight on JoyPixels


Keycap: Digit Eight on Samsung

Google GMail


Keycap: Digit Eight on Google GMail



Keycap: Digit Eight on Softbank



Keycap: Digit Eight KDDI



Keycap: Digit Eight DCM


# Number Sign


* Asterisk (Symbol)


   Combining Enclosing Keycap


0 Digit Zero


1 Digit One


2 Digit Two


3 Digit Three


4 Digit Four


5 Digit Five


6 Digit Six


7 Digit Seven


9 Digit Nine

More Number Emojis

💯 Number

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