💩💩💰💰 Double Pile of Poo and Double Money Bag

💩💩💰💰- Double Pile of Poo and Money Bag, Historians: Rich residents of Poop Emoji, Opponents of income and direct taxes: Former uppermost tax collector and finance minister from Poop Emoji After Bronze Stone Clown, Scary Clown and first Horror Clown took power in Heart Emoji several Emojis went with Scary Clown to different cities of the future Circus Union.
Those Emojis used the 💩💩💰💰 Double Pile of Poo and Double Money Bag combination to identify rich Emoji Poops. The reason was that the Horror Clown was too allergic and envious at the same time.
The future ruler of Circus Union required the list of all taxpayers. The Horror Clown studied the list with his 🔍 Left-Pointing Magnifying Glass. What the 🤡 Clown discovered to be too rich got the special sign of 💩💩💰💰 Double Pile of Poo and Double Money Bag. The Horror Clown wanted to show the residents of Circus Union that he found the enemy.
Later he commanded to arrest all residents with 💩💩💰💰 Double Pile of Poo and Double Money Bag in his list media-effective. After these events several Emojis in Emoji Meaning started to hide their 💰 Money everywhere. The reason was that in Emoji Meaning lived stingy Emojis and misers from ♃ Jupiter. The most Emojis who belonged to the category of 💩💩💰💰 Double Pile of Poo and Double Money Bag went with their 🚂 Locomotive to Heart Emoji because they wanted to hide there their valuables. The reason was an old law of the famous politician and 😷 Doctor Heart Emoji that banned the direct taxes over 350,000 days ago. After the death of last Horror Clown and the end of Circus Union started new time for Emojis.
The uppermost tax collector from Poop Emoji wanted to become the finance minister of the independent state because he wanted to collect direct taxes from all Emojis. Several groups against income taxes used the 💩💩💰💰 Double Pile of Poo and Double Money Bag as synonym for the tax collector.
During the demonstration against income taxes used 26 Emojis the 💩💩💰💰 in their posters.
In communication use Emojis the double pile of poo and double money bag for rich Emoji Poops or opponents of income taxes.


Double Pile of Poo and Double Money Bag


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Unicode:  💩💩💰💰


For comparison how different 💩💩💰💰 Double Pile of Poo and Double Money Bag look on:

Apple iOS, Google Android, Facebook, Microsoft Windows, Twitter, JoyPixels, Samsung, Google GMail, SoftBank, KDDI


Double Pile of Poo and Double Money Bag on Apple iOS


Double Pile of Poo and Double Money Bag on Google Android


Double Pile of Poo and Double Money Bag on Facebook


Double Pile of Poo and Double Money Bag on Microsoft Windows


Double Pile of Poo and Double Money Bag on Twitter Twemoji


Double Pile of Poo and Double Money Bag on JoyPixels


Double Pile of Poo and Double Money Bag on Samsung

Google GMail


Pile of Poo: 1 on Google GMail Pile of Poo: 2 on Google GMail Money Bag: 1 on Google GMail Money Bag: 2 on Google GMail



Pile of Poo: 1 on SoftBank Pile of Poo: 2 on SoftBank Money Bag: 1 on SoftBank Money Bag: 2 on SoftBank



Pile of Poo: 1 KDDI Pile of Poo: 2 KDDI Money Bag: 1 KDDI Money Bag: 2 KDDI

Double Pile of Poo and Double Money Bag: Small

💩 Pile of Poo


💩💩 Double Pile of Poo


💩💩💩 Three Times Pile of Poo


💩💩💩💩 Four Times Pile of Poo


💩💩💩👙👙👙 Three Times Pile of Poo and Three Times Bikini


💩💩💩💩👙👙👙 Four Times Pile of Poo and Three Times Bikini


💩💩💩💩👙👙👙👙 Four Times Pile of Poo and Four Times Bikini


💩🚽 Pile of Poo and Toilet


💩❤ Pile of Poo and Red Heart

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