🔍 Left-Pointing Magnifying Glass
🔍- Left-Pointing Magnifying Glass, enlarge on the left, magnifying glass tilted leftThe first Horror Clown used the 🔍 Left-Pointing Magnifying Glass during his studies of the biographies of the local town dictator or other Emojis or Aliens who were responsible for the problems of that town or city. The modern Emojis use the 🔍 if they want to see something better left. The most famous story about the 🔍 Left-Pointing Magnifying Glass happened with the assistant of the second dictator after the elections. The new ruler forgot that he needed a 🔍 because he was unable to read what he wrote. The Emoji asked his assistant to bring him the 🔍, but he said that he had only the 🔎 Right-Pointing Magnifying Glass. The second dictator was not amused and forced his assistant to read what he wrote. No Emoji understood what he said instead of the elected ruler.
In communication use Emojis this symbol if they want to enlarge something on the left.

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Unicode: 🔍
Meaning of 🔍- Contents
Arabic - العربية
الرموز التعبيرية المعنى: العربية
🔍 عدسة مكبرة اتجاه اليسار
Bangla - বাংলা
🔍 বাঁদিকে হেলানো আতস কাঁচ
Chinese - 中文
🔍 左斜的放大镜
Dutch - Nederlands
🔍 vergrootglas naar links gericht
Filipino - Tagalog
🔍 magnifying glass na nakahilig sa kaliwa
French - Français
🔍 loupe orientée à gauche
German - Deutsch
🔍 Lupe nach links
Hebrew - עברית
🔍 זכוכית מגדלת נוטה שמאלה
Hindi - हिन्दी
🔍 बाईं ओर झुका आवर्धक काँच
Indonesian - Bahasa Indonesia
🔍 kaca pembesar arah kiri
Italian - Italiano
🔍 lente di ingrandimento rivolta a sinistra
Japanese - 日本語
🔍 虫眼鏡左
Korean - 한국어
🔍 왼쪽으로 향한 돋보기
Malay - Bahasa Melayu
🔍 kanta pembesar condong ke kiri
Nigerian Pidgin - Naijíriá Píjín
🔍 Magnifáyín Glas Wé Bẹ́nd Lẹft
Persian - فارسی
🔍 ذرهبین روبهچپ
Polish - Polski
🔍 lupa pochylona w lewo
Portuguese - Português
Significado do Emoji: Português
🔍 lupa para a esquerda
Punjabi - ਪੰਜਾਬੀ
🔍 ਖੱਬੇ ਪਾਸੇ ਝੁਕਿਆ ਵਡਦਰਸ਼ੀ ਸ਼ੀਸ਼ਾ
Russian - Русский
🔍 лупа, наклоненная влево
Spanish - Español
Emoji Significado: Español🔍 lupa orientada hacia la izquierda
Swedish - Svenska
🔍 förstoringsglas som lutar åt vänster
Thai - ไทย
🔍 แว่นขยายเอียงซ้าย
Turkish - Türkçe
🔍 sola dönük büyüteç
Ukrainian - Українська
🔍 збільшувальне скло з нахилом уліво
Urdu - اردو
🔍 بائیں اشارہ کرتا محدب
Vietnamese - Tiếng Việt
Ý nghĩa biểu tượng cảm xúc: Tiếng Việt
🔍 kính phóng đại
nghiêng sang trái
For comparison how different 🔍 Left-Pointing Magnifying Glass looks on:
Apple iOS, Google Android, Facebook, Microsoft Windows, Twitter, JoyPixels, Samsung, Google GMail, Softbank, KDDI, DCM

Google GMail




🔎 Right-Pointing Magnifying Glass
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