35 Emojis that start with V
The list of 35 Emojis that start with V in their English Unicode names.
When the future tourism minister Monkey Emoji was 2776 days old, his parents attended a concert with him. When Emoji 👂 heard the musical instrument 🎻 Violin, he took his own too and repeated perfectly every sound.
One day a tax collector visited his parents because that Emoji wanted to estimate value of an old 📼 Videocassette.
They were suspected of getting a historical 📼 Videocassette. Later, several researchers found out that it was quite normal 📼 Videocassette. The only difference was that it was made from a more valuable material.
Thereon tax collectors found stage performances by Monkey Emoji with his 🎻 Violin. They wanted to know if their son got 💰 Money.
Shortly before the death of the last Horror Clown Monkey Emoji and his parents visited the famous 🌋 Volcano that breaks out triangular golden pieces in the port city of Japanese Emoji.
He wanted to collect triangular golden pieces. The reason was to gild his new 🎻 Violin. There, local Emojis tried to distract visitors with 🏐 Volleyball.
On that day the future finance minister visited the 🌋 Volcano and installed almost everywhere at least 📹 Video Camera. The Secret Service supported him.
An earthquake after the death of the last ruler of Circus Union destroyed his devices. Later Monkey Emoji used his gilded 🎻 Violin on the day before the elections of first dictator.
The first elected dictator told in a ☎ Telephone interview with 📻 Radio that he found during an adventure a list with Unicode Emojis that started with Latin letter 🇻. His problem was that he did not know the meaning of Unicode. After this event the first elected dictator commanded to his deputy to found a special research group to find out what could be Unicode.
1. 🧛 Vampire
2. 🧛🏻 vampire: light skin
3. 🧛🏼 vampire: medium-light skin tone
4. 🧛🏽 vampire: medium skin tone
5. 🧛🏾 vampire: medium-dark skin tone
6. 🧛🏿 vampire: dark skin tone
8. ✌🏻 victory hand: light skin
9. ✌🏼 victory hand: medium-light skin tone
10. ✌🏽 victory hand: medium skin tone
11. ✌🏾 victory hand: medium-dark skin tone
12. ✌🏿 victory hand: dark skin tone
13. 🖖 Vulcan Salute
14. 🖖🏻 Vulcan salute: light
skin tone
15. 🖖🏼 Vulcan salute: medium-light skin tone
16. 🖖🏽 Vulcan salute: medium skin tone
17. 🖖🏾 Vulcan salute: medium-dark skin tone
18. 🖖🏿 Vulcan salute: dark skin tone
19. 🌋 Volcano
21. 🎮 Video Game
22. 🏐 Volleyball
23. 🎻 Violin
24. 📳 Vibration Mode
25. 📹 Video Camera
26. 📼 Videocassette Do you use it❓ It is in museum of 20th century 😏
27. ♍ Virgo
28. 🆚 VS Button
29. 🇻🇦 Vatican City
30. 🇻🇨
St. Vincent & Grenadines
31. 🇻🇪
34. 🇻🇳
35. 🇻🇺
Why are St. Vincent & Grenadines, British Virgin Islands and U.S. Virgin Islands listed under the Latin letter V?
Every flag has two letters. The first letter of those flags starts with 🇻.
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