23 Emojis that start with U
The list of 23 Emojis that start with U in their English Unicode names.
In the first year after independence, several Emojis made masks for the first of April. The most popular was the 🦄 Unicorn Face.
Even the second elected dictator congratulated all residents on the state 📺 Television. At the same time, the ketchup entrepreneur Devil Emoji commanded his friends to analyze the ruler. Other Emojis used this event to protest against the dictator in Crying Laughing Emoji.
They went to the historical prison and 🔓 Unlocked at least 23 🚪 Doors. They liberated several criminal 👽 Aliens.
After some time, local politicians learned about the outbreak of the prisoners. They reacted with 😒 Unamused Face.
Because of these events, a high-ranking Emoji sent Secret Service employees to this city. Those Emojis decided to search for the former prisoners in the forest behind eucalypts. At their presence, the 👻 Ghost of Non Sense suddenly became visible. He programmed an ☂ Umbrella.
Emojis of Secret Service asked him if he 👀 saw them. Non Sense did not react because he was in other reality. His 👂 Ears got to listen automatic music. His programming error created a list with names of criminals. Very striking was that the names began with Latin letter 🇺. The problem of Secret Service was that criminals disappeared into another reality for their own protection.
The second elected dictator was criticized for his inability. But what happened to them really❓
They landed in a 💻 Personal Computer on planet ♁ Earth in Japan. They remained undetected for a long time until the Japanese used them as a template for the first Emojis.
1. 😒 Unhappy Unamused Face
4. ☂ Umbrella
6. 🔓 Unlocked
8. ⬆ Up Arrow
10. ↖ Up-Left Arrow
11. ↕ Up-Down Arrow
12. 🔼 Upwards Button Up Button
13. 🆙 UP! Button
16. 🇺🇦 Ukraine
17. 🇺🇬 Uganda
20. 🇺🇸 United States
21. 🇺🇾 Uruguay
22. 🇺🇿 Uzbekistan
23. 🇻🇮 U.S.
Virgin Islands
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